Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What You Need To Know In 2013 Part 2

Knowing And Understanding The Realm Of Spiritual Warfare 


It's time to awake from the slumber, from the ignorance, from the apathy, from the indifference and become engaged, relevant and responsible.
So many do not have the faintest idea how the spiritual realm works and functions, or even acknowledging there is one that impacts and influences the natural realm we live in. But this is to our own peril. 

In this second part we are looking at scriptural instances of where and how and why spiritual warfare is necessary and beginning to look at what is our part. These are some instances we have to be aware of and understand what relevance it has to today. 

Jesus said we should occupy until He comes again. The word occupy means to do business, trade. Its a very market place word, meaning we need to take dominion and take and keep market share.Not have a fatalistic whatever will be will be attitude or a its always been this way before it will always be this way still mentality. 

No we need to have a sense of urgency regarding the hour and our place and purpose in this hour.

Monday, January 28, 2013

What You Need To Know In 2013

Knowing And Understanding The Realm Of Warfare

As we move into another year you can be sure this is not going to be another of the same. 
Cataclysmic shifts and changes are taking place that will indeed affect your and my life. There will be consequences and effects. Whole nations and lands and communities are to swept up in these changes and shifts.
they are NOT necessarily physical or natural changes.

We are exploring what is happening and how it is happening through the understanding of the Word of God, but we will also discover and focus on what we need to know and do in the midst of these.
If you can catch a spiritual glimpse of what happens beyond the visible then you will understand and be clear on what you need to do about it.
Yes! Even you.

These teaching posts are going to be a little longer, but I am real excited about doing this series because it something I have had on my heart for some weeks now and I believe it is a word in season.

This year as I do every year, I wait on the Lord for a word for the new year, that will set the direction for the  rest of the year. This year the Lord spoke these things to me which I am of course sharing with you.