In Matt6:24 - 33 Jesus speaks of serving 2 masters, either you will love the one and hate the other, or you will hold to the one and despise the other. He then goes on to say, "Therefore I say to you take no anxious thought about ..."
Therefore is quite significant because it connect the previous thought with the next one. In other words when we are taking anxious thoughts saying we are serving, loving and holding to or being loyal to a master. That master is mammon.
So how do you serve mammon?
By stressed out, worrying thoughts that you speak out about living your daily life.
The opposite therefore has to be; The Father knows what I have need of therefore I take this thought - Word thoughts- and I speak them regardless.
Refuse to take anxious thoughts; rather take Word thoughts from Gods word regarding your life.
Refuse to speak these thoughts; rather speak of your Fathers love and care.
Refuse to serve mammon as a master; rather serve the Lord Jesus.
Allowing fear, because that is what stress and worry and anxiety is, to rule your thinking and speaking, is allowing mammon to be your master. But when we allow faith thoughts based on God's word to fill our minds and speaking we are seeking and establishing His kingdom and righteousness.
As you enter 2011 with its challenges and opportunities be sure you know which master you choose to serve and be loyal to.
May the favour and blessing of the Lord Jesus rest upon you in this new year.