Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Ministry Of Camping

Last weekend a bunch of men came up from the Highway Church in Cornwall and went camping with me in the woods outside Maidstone. Besides the torrential downpour we experienced all day Friday and night, the weekend was  a wonderful time of building relationships and eating. Did I mention we were eating?

The focus was on sonship in the house and some younger leaders came over to be part of the event  and assist with the smooth running of all the parts that make a good outdoor event. Ok, so I'm not as prepared as I would like to be. I;m just a stickler for having thing organised and done properly. But the whole team superb and made the best of what we had and everyone had a super time.

There is something about men sitting around a fire and eating, fellowshipping, and being instructed in the principles of God's Kingdom. hearts were stirred to align with the Fathers will to be sons in the house rather than just slaves. We also had a clarifying discussion on husband and wife relationships that work. I will be doing some of this soon on audio for you.

Once we catch the vision of what it means to walk in sonship, we understand what it means to have real, true purpose, and the struggle ends for significance and acceptance. Rather there is a sense of 'family' that gives us a place of secure  freedom and love and acknowledgement we can never find as a slave in the house.

These times of impartation and challenge stir men (and women) to live at a new level and set a new standard for their spiritual walk and ministry.