Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A Godly Life of Integrity

Once, while ministering in an African country, my friend in that country arranged with a pastor who also ran a taxi business, for a taxi minibus to take all of us to a village about 30 miles from the city, and bring us back again in 3 days.

The Saturday morning, when the taxi arrived, it was a pick-up, not a minibus, as had been arranged. Immediately, I sensed a righteous indignation rise up within me. I wasn't feeling happy in my spirit. There was violation of this man's word and promise to us.

Three days later,

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Jesus Our High Priest: What Does This Mean? 2

Hold Firmly To The Faith We Profess.

Thought I would make it interesting with the frame.Hope it doesn't distract.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Our High Priest: What Does This Mean?

The High Priestly ministry of Jesus Part 1.
If we can get a revelation of His present day ministry it would change how and what we believe,and how we live.
Over the next few days, I will be sharing the Word from the book of Hebrews,especially as we celebrate this time of Jesus' death and resurrection.  

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Leaders Spiritual Standard

The unshakable,unalterable, non-negotiable standard of the leader in Christ's church today, as every day.

Good To Great Leadership

Some leadership principles for avoiding leadership failure and becoming a great leader in God's Kingdom.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Building Trust As A Leader

Are you worthy as a leader not to lead but worthy of others trust? How to handle those that are defeated.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

How To Be Sensitive to God's Voice

In these days we need to hear what the Lord is saying, but so many don't know what He is saying and they don't know how to hear what He is saying. On this message I share why that is and how to change it. Leadership is hearing God and doing what He says.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Spirit of the Leader?

What should the leaders spirit be today?
Regardless of what you face and in what situation you find yourself, the right spirit will prevail. It's the spirit leaders have carried, and walked in, to fulfill their mission, mandate, and message, for centuries, and still applies today.