Saturday, August 13, 2011

Paradigms Of The Believer 1

In the last series we started to look at how our paradigm can affect the way we interpret what we read in the Bible. A paradigm is our view of things. Its not always the correct view, but it is correct to us. It is like wearing a pair of ‘filtered glasses, and everything we read (or hear) is interpreted through those filters.
We looked at some ways to shift this paradigm, so that it becomes more ‘corrected’, which of course, really is a shift in thinking patterns. 
Paul said in Romans 12.2 “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” 
Conformance is a thinking, a mindset, a paradigm that is fashioned and filtered to the world’s way of thinking. Whereas, transformation takes place as we shift to thinking in line with the essence and spirit of the Word of God. Renewing is the metamophoo, like in metamorphisis, change, of the mind. The pattern in which we think, and derive our thoughts and interpretations are to be changed. Then transformation takes place.
I hope this is not too complicated. It actually isn’t. Its simple, but not easy. You see it takes effort and a recognition that my thinking may not be in line, Heaven forbid , I may be wrong.
When it comes to our spiritual walk there are many paradigms we can own. These could include:
Old Covenant Legalistic thinking
Religious Traditional thinking
Carnal Soulish Fleshly thinking
Failure, low selfesteem, weakness, doubt and unbelief thinking.
You understand, each of these common approaches is a paradigm out of which we interpret everything we hear and read, and therefore, apply, act on, form as our habits and behaviour. But it does not necessarily mean we are right or correct in how we view what we are hearing. 
Jesus said: “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. Consider carefully what you hear.” Mark 4:23-24
Consider carefully : means – of the mind, direct ones attention to, consider, think about, give proper attention to, make sure of something.
If we do not know the Heavenly Father, and are not acquainted with Him, we do not know His nature, His integrity, His plan or purpose, and how He loves to work with us as His sons and children. If we have not been instructed in the Word of truth and how to interpret what we read and hear, rightly discerning the word of God, we will always be hearing the way we have always heard.
From that time on Jesus began to preach, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near’” Matt 4:17
Repent: metanoeo – meta =change ; noeo =to exercise the mind,think
To change one’s mind or disposition.
To really get the kingdom, there has to be a change in thinking, sentiment and disposition, away from the old and into a new.
At times I am horrified as I hear what people have interpreted from the word of God as truth, knowing it contradicts our Fathers will and plan for us. The worst is that at times, people will fight tooth and nail to maintain their view and be totally dogmatic about their stand, or rather, their thinking and view. Their paradigm.
There are a few points that need to be considered in this regard:
1.    That we understand the Bible is the Word of God speaking to you;
2.    That spending time in the Word is spending time in fellowship with the Lord;
3.    That as we meditate on and read the word we will get to know the nature of God more fully and therefore gain a better understanding of Who He is;
4.    That we interpret the word with the word, and not by our own experiences and personal convictions.
We cannot take one isolated scripture and make that our dogma. It has to be interpreted in the light of the nature and plan of God from beginning to end. Pet perspectives, regardless of how noble, will not and cannot hold water, if they do not ‘line up’ with who God is.

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