Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A Godly Life of Integrity

Once, while ministering in an African country, my friend in that country arranged with a pastor who also ran a taxi business, for a taxi minibus to take all of us to a village about 30 miles from the city, and bring us back again in 3 days.

The Saturday morning, when the taxi arrived, it was a pick-up, not a minibus, as had been arranged. Immediately, I sensed a righteous indignation rise up within me. I wasn't feeling happy in my spirit. There was violation of this man's word and promise to us.

Three days later,
he attended the last session of the pastors leadership conference I was teaching. Two hours after the conference was finished, we (myself, my friend who had accompanied me from South Africa, my friend from the African country, his wife, 3 children, 2 orphans, an elder from the local church and all our belongings) were supposed to travel back to the city so I could prepare, because I had to leave to fly back to South Africa the next day.

Two hours passed, no taxi. Four hours passed, no taxi. Six hours passed, taxi arrives. The sun is now setting. Driving these roads at night, is not such a good idea. We packed and left. I asked his driver why it had taken so long, he said the pastor had sent him on loads of errands that afternoon. A third of the way into the trip, on a mountain pass, we ran out of petrol.

I could not believe it! You can imagine my shock when I discovered that although I had paid this man a lot of money to transport us, he had been totally dishonest and devious in his dealings with us. I was so angry with the fact that a man, a spiritual leader, a brother in the Lord, could have such a lack of integrity.

Proverbs 11. 3
The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.

Integrity is when your daily habits agree with your values, and with your words.
As spiritual leaders in God's Kingdom, we need to have the values of God's kingdom. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ, we need to have and live the values of the Kingdom of God.
But we can have these values – believe them and confess them - but if we do not live them as a daily habit, we are duplicitous.

Duplicitous means we are deceptive, fraudulent, and dishonest.

When you can keep your word, and live your values honestly,
then you build trust into your relationships,
you build confidence and self worth into your leadership,
you are faithful under temptation,
you only think of the good of others,
you have no desire to deceive, take advantage of, manipulate, or control,
you are matching your behaviour with your values,
you are keeping your promise and commitment, to your own hurt,
then you are living in integrity.

The word says when we do, then the Lord will guide us - in other words, as leaders you will experience strength to lead and govern, true power without deception and control, having a real shepherds heart.

But the Word of God also says the opposite result is Unfaithfulness - Because you have a duplicitous heart and life.
Sometimes the culture of the organisation or environment we find ourselves in has a lack of integrity. But that gives us no excuse for not living a life of integrity. We need to seek God for a change of heart, repent of our sin, and begin to be sons of the Kingdom, by living what we say and believe.

I should mention this is not only for leaders, but for every member of the Body of Christ.

If you say you going to do it, do it.
Do not be unfaithful.
In this day and age, when the church of Jesus Christ is being attacked, undermined, and discredited in every form and fashion, we need leaders and THE Church, to stand for what is right, live uprightly, being people of integrity and faithfulness.

Look at Proverbs 10:9
The man of integrity walks securely, but who he takes crooked paths will be found out.

Securely: Has safety and has a refuge.
But the deceiver, the hypocrite, the man of duplicity, will show himself to be who he is (will be found out) – unfaithful.

As a person of integrity, you will always find an inner peace and confidence, a security that comes from the Lord because you live, behave and speak the values of your heart.

David shepherded the people with integrity.
Job refused to give up his integrity, even though he was tempted, tried and tested beyond comprehension.
Nehemiah appointed leaders because of their integrity.

1 Kings 9:4 ; Neh 7:2; Job 27:5

Needless to say, concerning the pastor who dealt so deviously with us, I doubt his agenda and motive in ministry, his word, and I will be hard pressed to trust this man in hurry again.

Be trustworthy and build a Godly life of integrity.

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